Facelifting the Medium

The medium is the message and all, but for a long time, my medium was the wallflower at the party. Basically, I’m saying I had an ugly looking blog. I’d frequently be too embarrassed by its sheer lack of graphical adroitness to do much writing on it. Now of course, smart designers will tell you that content is still king, and only a bad carpenter blames his tools. Who really cares about ugly fonts and the lack of pretty pictures, if I spun an engaging-enough yarn about the goings-on in my exciting web world? I was making excuses for my lack of blog updates, and Twitter was satisfying my need for public self-expression. But then, on a whim, I roped in my buddies Cindy Li and Matt Harris to fix things around the place.

My buddy Cindy Li fixes things. Like the time she fixed my kitchen sink with a broom, or realigned my closet door with a kitchen knife. Her blog post on DIY VW Bug lightbulb changing received more comments than any other blog post she wrote. She’s also designed a bunch of stuff, and so I pestered her to give my blog a face-lift.

Matt Harris, who translated Cindy’s design into code for WordPress (and code is poetry), gave me a three-column HTML5 template and some widgetry. Cindy used a picture of me clambering over a rocky hillock in San Francisco as a metaphor for the ‘new new arunerblog.’

So there it is. I’ve given the medium a facelift, and I promise you’ll hear more from me on my shiny new blog.

3 thoughts on “Facelifting the Medium”

  1. Glad to hear you’ve banished all your excuses for not posting. I look forward to hearing your wisdom :)

  2. bravo! new design looks great. i especially like the photo of you “clambering over a rocky hillock” (<- learned a new word – thank u), with camera in hand (and strapped around the neck for safety and easy access) ready to capture a breathtaking panoramic shot… awesome.

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