So ’07 began with a bang, not a whimper (contrary to TS’s post-apocalyptic ruminations — global warming, nuclear proliferation, and all that jazz notwithstanding), and the first month has been very busy, full of promise and change. Then there’s a hectic February.
We said bye to my kid sister on MW’s boat, docked somewhere in the Emeryville Marina. She’s off to do field work and research for a year, and everyone’s going to miss her. So there’s some change already — she won’t be just across the bridge for most of this year.
I’ve also been traveling a lot; most recently, I was in Boston for the mini technical plenary, attending a meeting of the WebAPI WG and dialing into a meeting of the Mobile Web Best Practices WG. I’ve become an utter whimp from living out on the West Coast for so long; I found it REALLY cold there. I was also in Vegas earlier this year. And in a few days, I’ve got to get things together for my SxSW panel. I’m speaking on two panels at SxSW in March. Kev asked me to speak on one as well, just so he could hand out a blue card with “rambling” marked on it.
Oh, Malini gone for a year? I hope she likes her project and everything goes well.